Good 4 Telescope Does Anyone Know If The Meade 4.5 Telestar Telescope With Autostar Is A Good Telescope To See Anything Good?

Does anyone know if the Meade 4.5 Telestar Telescope with Autostar is a good telescope to see anything good? - good 4 telescope

I study astronomy and I would be in a position to the stars, planets, nebula, perhaps to see. I want to find these things in my apartment, but I fear that the lights of the city is blocked my view. I want a telescope that can work from the city.


minutebl... said...

Unfortunately, if you live in a big city that drowned most of the nebulae and galaxies of light pollution.

If you really open a window and off the screen, or let your telescope, you may be able to get quite good views of planets. You should have a telescope, the load easily into a car and take in a dark place. Even if we go to the suburbs or in some cases, only a park to give to give much more visibility.

This is 4.5 Meade Telestar a good telescope?
Well, it is a sincere friendliness serious beginner telescope. With the right eye and the visibility you will be some cloud bands of Jupiter, associated with its satellites, and you can see the rings of Saturn. You can also collect information on Mars. The images are smaller. You will be able to see Orion nebula, and, if not directly look at it, the Ring Nebula. You'll also be able to see M31, M104 just to let you know what they're seeking, and perhaps under a dark sky, a few other gAtaxia. You will see spectacular when. You will also be able to see certain groups of stars in Nice.

BUT ...

This telescope sales between $ 150 and $ 298th If you plan to spend up to $ 150, I would say it is a good buy. If you spend up to $ 200 or more to plan, I would say you can do something better.

For about $ 240 you can get a 6 "Celestron Star Hopper. This will improve the performance of 4.5 Meade Telestar. It is simply without Dobson Autostar, but you will be able to do more with it and make it easier to Configuring and transportation.

You can use any of

Geoff G said...

Telescopes are much more for about the same amount if the money is going into the optics instead of electronics. For example, a Dobsonian Reflector well as the following: ...

Showing a home is not a good idea. If you have an attic, is the sight of heaven will be very limited, and collect tons of vibration of the building, multiplied by the telescope. Most amateur astronomers see today, they have to travel to dark places outside the city to hear the views of satisfaction. I would recommend the location of your local astronomy club, because they often have regular parties in a dark environment and know the best locations. You can also try out different telescopes before purchasing one yourself.

Geoff G said...

Telescopes are much more for about the same amount if the money is going into the optics instead of electronics. For example, a Dobsonian Reflector well as the following: ...

Showing a home is not a good idea. If you have an attic, is the sight of heaven will be very limited, and collect tons of vibration of the building, multiplied by the telescope. Most amateur astronomers see today, they have to travel to dark places outside the city to hear the views of satisfaction. I would recommend the location of your local astronomy club, because they often have regular parties in a dark environment and know the best locations. You can also try out different telescopes before purchasing one yourself.

Geoff G said...

Telescopes are much more for about the same amount if the money is going into the optics instead of electronics. For example, a Dobsonian Reflector well as the following: ...

Showing a home is not a good idea. If you have an attic, is the sight of heaven will be very limited, and collect tons of vibration of the building, multiplied by the telescope. Most amateur astronomers see today, they have to travel to dark places outside the city to hear the views of satisfaction. I would recommend the location of your local astronomy club, because they often have regular parties in a dark environment and know the best locations. You can also try out different telescopes before purchasing one yourself.

Geoff G said...

Telescopes are much more for about the same amount if the money is going into the optics instead of electronics. For example, a Dobsonian Reflector well as the following: ...

Showing a home is not a good idea. If you have an attic, is the sight of heaven will be very limited, and collect tons of vibration of the building, multiplied by the telescope. Most amateur astronomers see today, they have to travel to dark places outside the city to hear the views of satisfaction. I would recommend the location of your local astronomy club, because they often have regular parties in a dark environment and know the best locations. You can also try out different telescopes before purchasing one yourself.

GAC said...

I think, "Tele Star" is a short tube Newtonian reflector. The main thing is 4.5 "or 114 mm in diameter, has a goal F/8.8 and a focal length of 1000 mm. It supports more than 200X magnification. It is now on the DS-2000 and DS-2000 Generation II" GOTO Bergen sold. The DS-2000 has a serious bug in the design, serious disorders. I have not seen, though this design has corrected errors in the second generation, but dumping Meade DS-2000 rises to old designs.

Like most Newtonian short tube on the market for the drawing of a bird Telestar Jones. It uses an optical system along the path of light in spherical and chromatic aberrations corrected by the design of the main mirror. However, to the OTA is a relatively good performance for the price.

In a dark sky as the eye can see with the naked around 8000 to 10,000 celestial objects. A 4.5 "f/8.8 Newtonian growth of around 5.3 until 15.4 million. If you have a number of stars do, in his apartment to give you an idea orf, which select the telescope in the situation.

I recommend connecting to the local astronomy club and see what and where to look ..

TheTaylo... said...

I was very lucky with the Meade telescopes over the years.

The function of the Autostar is not very accurate - but the lens is very good, taking into account the price.

Scopes Meade is a good start for beginners. But as the work begins in the city, there is not much you can do. Regardless of the size of the lens

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